toboso climate
Average temperatures and precipitation
The “mean daily maximum” (solid red line) shows the maximum temperature of an average day for every month for Toboso. Likewise, “mean daily minimum” (solid blue line) shows the average minimum temperature. Hot days and cold nights (dashed red and blue lines) show the average of the hottest day and coldest night of each month of the last 30 years. For vacation planning, you can expect the mean temperatures, and be prepared for hotter and colder days. Wind speeds are not displayed per default, but can be enabled at the bottom of the graph.
Cloudy, sunny, and precipitation days
The graph shows the monthly number of sunny, partly cloudy, overcast and precipitation days. Days with less than 20% cloud cover are considered as sunny, with 20-80% cloud cover as partly cloudy and with more than 80% as overcast.
Maximum temperatures
The maximum temperature diagram for Toboso displays how many days per month reach certain temperatures.
Precipitation amounts
The precipitation diagram for Toboso shows on how many days per month, certain precipitation amounts are reached. In tropical and monsoon climates, the amounts may be underestimated.
Wind speed
The diagram for Toboso shows the days per month, during which the wind reaches a certain speed.
Wind rose
The wind rose for Toboso shows how many hours per year the wind blows from the indicated direction.
Negros Occidental
About us
Toboso is a coastal municipality in the province of Negros Occidental. The municipality has a land area of 117.33 square kilometers or 45.30 square miles which constitutes 1.50% of Negros Occidental’s total area. Its population as determined by the 2015 Census was 42,114. This represented 1.69% of the total population of Negros Occidental province, or 0.56% of the overall population of the Western Visayas region. Based on these figures, the population density is computed at 359 inhabitants per square kilometer or 930 inhabitants per square mile.
our officials
Meet our civil servants
Gateway of trade and commerce and premier provider of agri-industrial products in Negros Island with empowered, peaceful, healthy and resilient community pursuing growth with equity, living in adaptive and balanced environment; and participating in the democratic process of governance
To spearhead the development of industrial potentials to become the gateway of trade and commerce in Negros Island, intensify agricultural production, enhance program on human resources to include manpower development geared towards the labor requirements of industries and agri-business sectors to improve the living condition of the people in an adaptive and balanced environment through the concerted efforts of all stakeholders in the community guided by the fundamentals of good governance.
summary data
Type: Municipality
Island Group: Visayas
Region: Western Visayas
(Region VI)
Province: Negros Occidental
Barangay Count: 9
Coastal/Landlocked: Coastal
Marine Water Bodies: Tañon Strait
Geographical Location: The municipality of Toboso is located on the northeastern side of the province of Negros Occidental and is facing the island of Cebu. It is bounded on the southwest by the municipality of Calatrava; Northwest by the city of Sagay; north by the municipality of Escalante and east by Tañon Strait. The shoreline runs along the Tañon Strait from Calatrava boundary to the Escalante boundary facing east.
Coordinates: 10º40’00” N to 10º42’56” latitude and 123º20’00” E to 123º30’51” longitude.
Land Area: DBM: 11,733 has.
DENR 2013: 12,134.18 has.
Historical Data: 12,340 has.